asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs the length in kilometres of the fibre optic cable laid by his Department to date; the future plans in this regard; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Fibre Optic Cable.
Some 66 kilometers of fibre optic cable involving three trunk routes have been laid to date.
While evaluation of fibre optic cable as a transmission medium in the Irish network has not yet been completed, such cable is now beginning to be used extensively in many countries, and its use is currently being considered for future development of other trunk routes here where it is likely to be economically viable.
asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when a second telephone line will be provided for a person (details supplied) in Dublin 9.
Every effort is being made to meet the additional need in this case. However, it is unlikely that a second line can be provided in the present year.
asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs the reason a telephone service has not yet been provided for a person (details supplied) in County Dublin who paid a deposit of £280 on 8 December 1982; the reason he was advised by his Department a few weeks ago that the telephone had already been installed in his house when he contacted the Department to advise them that it had not been installed; and the action he intends to take to deal with this matter.
asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs the reason his Department contacted a person (details supplied) in County Dublin offering to return to him the deposit he paid for the installation of a telephone after Deputy Shatter tabled a parliamentary question stating that this deposit had been paid by him on 8 December 1982 and that upon his inquiring with the Department as to the reason a telephone had not been installed for him he was advised one had been installed although it had not; the reason, when the offer of a return of the deposit was made to him, he was told there were no telephone lines available; the reason, subsequent to his refusing to accept the return of his deposit, a carrier system phone was installed, the working of which is dependent on the insertion of a battery in the phone; the reason the telephone only operates properly for approximately 1½ days upon the installation of a battery and the reason four new batteries had to be inserted into the telephone one after the other during the course of the first week after installation; if he will confirm that for such a telephone system to work properly it requires a power or booster unit to prevent the batteries going flat; the reason no such power or booster unit has been provided; whether he has yet discovered the whereabouts of the original telephone which he was advised had been installed in his house when it had not been; and whether this telephone was installed at any other address.
I propose to take Questions Nos. 464 and 466 together.
The person named was offered a refund of the advance payments made by him when it became clear that there would be further delay in meeting his requirements. This is in accordance with standard practice in such cases; if the offer is accepted, it does not affect the subsequent provision of service.
There is nothing on record to show that the person concerned was informed by the Department that a telephone had been installed before one was in fact installed.
Neither is there any record that he was told when an offer to refund the advance payment was being made that there were no lines available.
A carrier system was used because of a shortage of cable pairs in the area. The battery supplied with this proved faulty but a power unit was fitted later and is, I understand, operating satisfactorily. I regert the inconvenience caused.
asked the Minister Posts and Telegraphs if he will as a matter of urgency transfer a telephone service for a person (details supplied) in County Wexford.
Service has been transferred for the persons named.
Question No. 467 postponed.
asked the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs when a person (details supplied) in Dublin who paid the fee for a telephone service on 10 January, 1983 will receive a proper service.
Service has been provided and is satisfactory.