asked the Minister for Finance whether the Government has any proposals for regional policies within the country which would attract greater EEC funds and which would benefit the less well-off regions within the State; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Regional Policies.
Ireland is defined for the purpose of Community regional policy as comprising a single region.
The European Regional Development Fund consists of a quota section and a non-quota section. The bulk of the financial aid received by Ireland from the fund comes from the quota section, of which this country's share is fixed at present at 5.94 per cent. The moneys received under the non-quota section of the fund are in respect of a special five-year Border area programme.
The regulation governing the fund is at present under review and the question of an increase in Ireland's share of the quota section is being actively pursued.
Substantial benefit accures to all areas of the country from the financial aid received from the Community under the quota section and the needs of particular areas must be seen in the context of overall national priorities.