asked the Minister for Finance if he proposes to take steps in addition to budgetary measures to stop the enormous quantities of electrical goods being smuggled across the Border from Northern Ireland.
Vol. 344 No. 9
asked the Minister for Finance if he proposes to take steps in addition to budgetary measures to stop the enormous quantities of electrical goods being smuggled across the Border from Northern Ireland.
asked the Minister for Finance the measures he proposes to take to deal with the escalation in the cross-Border smuggling of electrical goods; if he will give an estimate of the total loss of revenue to the State because of this smuggling; if he will indicate the fall off in sales and the decrease in employment because of smuggling; the measures he proposes to take in the immediate future to deal with the problem; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
I propose to take Questions Nos. 508 and 509 together.
I have been informed by the Revenue Commissioners that they have reviewed existing arrangements to detect cross-Border smuggling. A re-deployment of customs resources in the land frontier area has taken place and extra mobile units have been provided. Moreover, a special task force with additional patrol cars has been established to supplement the activities of the Border mobile units. These measures will be kept under constant review.
It is not possible to give an indication of the loss of revenue or of sales, nor of the decrease in employment because of smuggling.