asked the Minister for Finance if he is aware of the extent of illegal betting in this country; if he has any estimate of the tax revenue lost to the State as a result; and the steps he proposes to take to end this illegal practice.
Written Answers. - Illegal Betting.
It is not possible to measure the extent of illegal betting or to estimate the tax revenue lost to the State because of this illegal practice. However, the Revenue Commissioners are aware of the problem and take all possible steps to deal with it. As part of the day-to-day administration of the betting duty, the Revenue Commissioners maintain constant surveillance of registered bookmakers' activities and are continually in pursuit of unlicensed bookmakers in co-operation with the Garda Síochána.
In 1982, the penalties for unlicensed bookmaking and for evasion of betting duty were increased from £500 to £800. The penalty for obstructing an officer of Customs and Excise in the exercise of his powers under betting duty legislation was also increased from £50 to £500. In addition, the powers of a District Justice to mitigate excise fines were curtailed. The maximum mitigation now possible would reduce the fine to one half of the statutory penalty; previously it was within the courts' discretion to reduce the fine to one quarter.