asked the Minister for Justice if he will consider opening and staffing new Garda stations in County Kildare in the near future, with particular reference to areas that have had major increases in population in recent years; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - County Kildare New Garda Stations.
Limerick East): The precise arrangements for the policing of particular areas are a matter for the Garda authorities. They have informed me that they have no proposals at present to provide additional Garda stations in County Kildare. The difficulty about providing new stations, apart from the difficulties associated with getting suitable sites and the high building costs involved, is that manning them absorbs Garda manpower which might be used more effectively on outdoor patrol duty in the area. The Deputy can be assured however that the police needs of developing areas will be taken into account in the allocation of manpower and other resources.