asked the Minister for Health if he is aware that dyed potatoes from Northern Ireland which were classed by the Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture as pig feeding and as not suitable for human consumption were in fact supplied to hospitals in the Eastern Health Board area; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Supply of Dyed Potatoes.
I have made inquiries from the Eastern Health Board on this matter. I have been informed that a consignment of potatoes delivered to four hospitals in the area in March and April, were found to be marked with a dye. The Department of Agriculture were immediately contacted and, on investigation, it was discovered that the potatoes were the produce of Northern Ireland, which, under a scheme operated by the Northern Ireland Ministry of Agriculture, had been withdrawn from the market because of a surplus, and denatured for animal feed by means of dyeing. These potatoes had been brought illegally from Northern Ireland.
On discovery, the marked potatoes were withdrawn at the hospitals concerned. It has been confirmed by the Northern Ireland Authorities and the State Laboratory that the dye used, methyl violet, is harmless.