asked the Minister for Health the reason persons (details supplied) in Dublin 5 will not be sanctioned for fostering by the Eastern Health Board; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Fostering of Children.
Arrangements by health boards in relation to the placing of children in foster care, including the selection of foster parents, are carried out in accordance with the Boarding Out of Children Regulations. Detailed investigations are entailed in each individual case aimed at achieving a secure placement for the child conducive to the child's welfare. Any information made available to a health board in the course of their investigations is treated in the strictest confidence by the boards. My function in the matter is to be satisfied that the procedures are adequately and properly administered by the health boards rather than being involved with decisions regarding the suitability of applicants. I am not therefore in a position to furnish the Deputy with the information he seeks.