asked the Minister for Health the number and percentage of disabled persons working for each health board in the State.
Written Answers. - Disabled Persons.
The number and percentage of disabled persons working for each health board is as follows:
Number Employed |
As % of Total Staff Employed |
Eastern |
20 |
0.3% |
Midland |
23 |
0.72% |
Mid-Western |
9 |
0.23% |
North-Eastern |
19 |
0.76% |
North-Western |
48 |
1.1% |
South-Eastern |
13 |
0.3% |
Southern |
96 |
1.45% |
Western |
45 |
0.75% |
asked the Minister for Health the reason a disabled person's maintenance allowance was withdrawn from a person (details supplied) in Dublin 12.
The disabled persons maintenance allowance being paid to this person was withdrawn on means grounds, as she is in receipt of a deserted wife's allowance at a rate which exceeds the means guidelines for a disabled person's maintenance allowance.