asked the Minister for Social Welfare the current total weekly amounts being paid in unemployment benefit and assistance.
Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.
The total amounts paid at local offices of my Department and listed for payment at post offices for week ended 17 June 1983 the most recent week for which figures are available, were as follows:—
£ |
Unemployment benefit (including Pay-Related Benefit) |
4,730,743 |
Unemployment Assistance |
3,980,480 |
Total |
8,711,223 |
asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason unemployment benefit payments have been suspended to those workers locked out by Dublin Cargo Handling (Port & Docks Board); if he is aware of the hardship being inflicted on the families of the men involved; if he will arrange to have the payments made immediately; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
The unemployment benefit claims of the workers concerned were disallowed on the grounds that their employment was lost by reason of a stoppage of work due to a trade dispute at their place of employment. The decision was given in the light of evidence furnished by the employers and the employees. At the request of the trade union representing the workers an appeal application form was supplied for the purpose of appealing against the disallowance.
While unemployment benefit was not payable for the duration of the dispute, there is provision under the legislation whereby supplementary welfare allowance may be paid in respect of the dependants of the workers involved. The families of a number of the workers did in fact receive such payments.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the delay in paying unemployment assistance to a person (details supplied) in County Laois who has been signing since October 1982.
To be entitled to unemployment assistance an applicant must have her means assessed and be the holder of a qualification certificate.
A social welfare officer called on the person concerned on numerous occasions but she would not make herself available for interview. However, she finally agreed to being interviewed and this took place recently. The report of the social welfare officer is presently in transit to headquarters for assessment of her means and determination of her entitlement to unemployment assistance.
In the meantime she continues to receive weekly supplementary welfare allowances.
(Dublin North-West) asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will agree to extend the social welfare service to enable retired clergy to avail of the provision of free travel, free electricity, free telephone rental and fuel allowances.
Free travel is available to all persons aged 66 years and over residing permanently in the State.
The free electricity, free telephone rental and free fuel schemes are intended to assist recipients of social welfare type pensions who are living alone or with certain excepted categories of persons. Retired clergymen may benefit under these schemes under the same conditions as apply to other categories of claimants.
Because of financial constraints funds are not available which would enable me to extend the scope of these schemes to persons who do not fulfil the existing conditions.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will revise as a matter of urgency the rate of social welfare benefit being paid to a person (details supplied) in County Wexford to include an allowance in respect of a son who is still at secondary school but is over 15 years of age.
The person concerned claimed disability benefit from 6 January 1979 and has been paid to 11 June 1983. He was paid at the maximum rate appropriate to a married man with a wife and three dependent children to 13 April 1983 on the basis of the information furnished by him at the commencement of his claim which stated that his eldest child would reach 18 years of age on 13 April 1983.
From 14 April 1983 he is being paid in respect of two dependent children as the age limit for a child dependent is 18 years.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason an old age pension has been withdrawn from a person (details supplied) in County Galway.
The old age pension of the person concerned has been suspended pending the outcome of an investigation to determine whether the statutory condition as to means is still fulfilled in his case.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare when a refund of an over-payment of PRSI will be made to a person (details supplied) in Dublin 12 who over-paid in 1980-81.
A refund of PRSI contributions paid in error in respect of the person concerned for the contribution years 1979-80 and 1980-81 was made to her on 30 May 1983. An additional refund in respect of the contribution year 1981-82 was made to her on 1 July 1983.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will arrange for the early approval of a claim for unemployment assistance from a person (details supplied) in County Laois.
The person concerned applied for unemployment assistance on 4 May 1983 and has been assessed with weekly means of £8.80 derived from the value of board and lodgings in her parents' home. In addition to satisfying the means test, it must also be established that she satisfies the condition which requires that she must be genuinely seeking work. Her case is at present being referred to a deciding officer for determination of her entitlement to unemployment assistance and she will be informed of the decision shortly.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason payment of disability benefit has ceased in the case of a person (details supplied) in County Cork.
The person concerned was paid disability benefit to 7 May 1983 at which stage, due to an administrative error, payment ceased. The matter has been corrected and all disability benefit due to 18 June 1983 was issued less the amount of supplementary welfare allowance advanced. Arrangements were made to ensure that benefit issues at regular weekly intervals and he is currently paid to 16 July 1983. An adjustment cheque for the additional amount payable to that date in respect of the budgetary increase in rates awarded from 30 June 1983 is being issued separately.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason a person (details supplied) in Dublin 5 is only in receipt of £6.75 unemployment assistance per week.
The application of the person concerned for unemployment assistance on 25 April 1983 was authorised at £6.75 a week being the appropriate maximum weekly rate in his case of £26.25 less means £19.50 derived from the value of board and lodgings in his father's home. He has appealed against the amount of means assessed against him and the appeals officer has confirmed his means at £19.50.
Weekly payments of £6.75 will continue to be made as they become due.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare when deserted wife's benefit will be paid to a person (details supplied) in Dublin 9.
The person concerned has been awarded deserted wife's benefit at the maximum rate in respect of herself and one qualified child with effect from 7 April 1983.
A benefit order book payable from 30 June 1983 has been sent to the designated post office for collection by her. She has been notified accordingly.
A payable order for the arrears of the benefit for the period from 7 April 1983 to 29 June 1983 will be sent to the claimant as soon as claims for the amount of supplementary welfare allowance and the dependants' portion of her husband's unemployment benefit paid to her during that period, are received.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare the number of applications for (a) deserted wife's allowance and (b) deserted wife's benefit in each of the past ten years; and (c) supplementary benefits in circumstances of marital breakdown in each of the past ten years.
Separate statistics of the numbers of applicants for deserted wife's allowance and deserted wife's benefit are not maintained as a common application form is used and most deserted wives apply under both schemes. Payment of course can be made under only one of them at any given time.
The combined total number of applications under the two schemes for deserted wives in each of the past ten years are as follows:
Year |
Number of applicants |
1973 |
980 |
1974 |
1,539 |
1975 |
1,219 |
1976 |
962 |
1977 |
1,038 |
1978 |
816 |
1979 |
1,151 |
1980 |
1,255 |
1981 |
1,347 |
1982 |
1,421 |
Statistics of applicants for supplementary welfare allowance in circumstances of marital breakdown are not kept by the health boards and the particulars at (c) sought by the Deputy are not therefore available to my Department.