asked the Minister for Social Welfare (i) the progress being made in the computerisation of all the employment exchanges and other centres being used for signing-on purposes; (ii) the projected cost of computerisation; and (iii) when the system will be in operation.
Written Answers. - Signing-on Centres.
Plans for the total computerisation of all the employment exchanges and other local offices of the Department are not yet at a formative stage. Accordingly estimates are not available of the likely total cost involved nor can it be stated when a total computerisation of these offices could be envisaged. It is evident that due to the many factors involved, the process would have to be a gradual one spread over several years. Nevertheless it is my intention to proceed with the computerisation of all suitable major areas in my Department including the unemployment payment schemes as quickly as possible.
In the meantime, to meet particular difficulties being experienced in the Dublin employment exchanges, a simplified computer-aided payments system is in course of preparation. This will prove of benefit in alleviating the work situation and help in providing a better service for claimants. It is planned to introduce the system initially in the employment exchange in Gardiner Street and on its successful implementation to extend it to the other major exchanges in Dublin.
As regards other officers of the Department, it is intended to expand the computerised inquiry service which enables information regarding claimant's insurance records and disability benefit claims to be readily available locally. To date, visual display terminals giving these facilities have been installed in three of the Department's information offices in Dublin and in the employment exchanges in Cork, Limerick and Waterford. Inquiry terminals will be gradually introduced into the remaining information offices.
The full co-operation of all staff associations in the areas involved is however a vital factor in the exercise. This is not at present forthcoming.