asked the Minister for the Environment the position in regard to a house improvement grant application from a person (details supplied) in County Clare.
Written Answers. - Housing Grant.
There is no record in my Department of the receipt of an application for a house improvement grant from the person named.
asked the Minister for the Environment if he will make resources available for the construction of housing accommodation for single parents in Galway City where there are at present 41 single parents on the housing list.
asked the Minister for the Environment the financial provision he is making for the construction of corporation houses in Galway City; if he is aware of the long waiting list for corporation accommodation; and if he has any proposals to make extra resources available to the corporation to provide further accommodation.
I propose to take Questions Nos. 581 and 582 together.
It is a matter for Galway Corporation to plan and initiate housing schemes in their functional area having regard to established needs, including the needs of single parents, and the capital allocation available for their house building programme.
The corporation were allocated £3,125,000 capital from the local loans fund on 12 April last to finance existing commitments, and a further £195,000 was provided on 22 June 1983 in response to their claim for the financing of new works which they hope to commence this year.
I have no proposals before me from the corporation to make extra resources available to them to provide further accommodation.
asked the Minister for the Environment when a new house grant will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Donegal.
A grant will be paid when an inspection establishes that the house has been satisfactorily completed and occupied and all the other conditions applying to the grant scheme have been complied with.
An inspection will be carried out as soon as possible.
asked the Minister for the Environment when a home improvement grant (old B type) will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Donegal.
There is no record in my Department of the receipt of an application for a house improvement grant from the person named.