asked the Minister for Social Welfare when disability benefit at the rate appropriate to a married man with one child, plus pay related benefit, will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Meath as he has claimed from 21 May, 1983.
Written Answers. - Social Welfare Benefits.
The person concerned has been paid all disability benefit due from 30 May 1983, fourth day of incapacity, to 20 June 1983, date of latest medical evicence received, at the rate appropriate to a married man with one child dependant
He is also being paid pay-related benefit at £23.21 per week from 16 June 1983, nineteenth day of incapacity.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare when a deserted wife's allowance will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Dublin.
It has not been possible to trace a claim for a deserted wife's allowance from the person concerned. An application form has been sent to her and when it is returned her claim will be considered.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare if he will ensure that social welfare benefit in respect of the period 5 June 1982-19 November 1982 will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Wexford.
During the period referred to by the Deputy the person concerned was assessed with nil means from 28 September 1982 and payment was allowed at the maximum rate payable to him £50.50 weekly increased to £55.55 weekly from 29 June 1983.
Prior to 28 September 1982 his unemployment assistance claim was disallowed from 26 May 1982 on the grounds that he failed to disclose his means. He appealed against the disallowance but the decision on his case was upheld by an appeals officer.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare if unemployment benefit will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Wexford.
To be eligible for unemployment benefit an applicant must be available for work and to satisfy this condition she must be making genuine efforts to find employment.
Following an investigation the unemployment benefit claim of the person concerned was disallowed on the grounds that she was not making specific efforts to find work and accordingly she was not available for work.
She appealed against the disallowance of her claim. An oral hearing of her case will be arranged to take place at the earliest opportunity. Her entitlement to unemployment benefit will be reviewed in the light of the decision of the appeals officer.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reasons no unemployment benefit has been paid to a person (details supplied) in County Offaly.
The person concerned is a widow and the papers in her case were referred to headquarters to enable the appropriate rate of unemployment benefit payable to her to be determined. The documents were temporarily mis-filed thereby causing delay in dealing with her claim.
The matter has now been rectified and her claim allowed at the maximum rate payable to a widow in receipt of a contributory widow's pension £15.83 weekly increasing to £17.40 from 30 June 1983. Arrangements have been made for payment of all arrears due this week.
She is presently engaged in systematic short-term employment for three days each week and payment of unemployment benefit at the daily rate of £3.48 is being made for the two days on which she is unemployed as payment becomes due.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason a person (details supplied) in County Tipperary is getting irregular disability benefit payments; and when the matter will be regularised.
It has not been possible to trace a benefit claim for the person concerned. If the RSI number of the claimant can be quoted this will enable the claim to be identified and the information sought by the Deputy to be supplied.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason a person (details supplied) in County Cork is not receiving disability benefit.
The person concerned claimed disability benefit from 11 May 1983. Inquiries were necessary to establish her British insurance record as her Irish contribution record was insufficient to qualify her for payment of benefit.
On receipt of her British insurance record it was established that she was entitled to disability benefit, and payment for the period from 14 May 1983 the fourth day of incapacity to 29 June 1983, the date of latest medical evidence received, was issued to her on 5 July 1983.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare the reason for the delay in paying arrears of an unmarried mother's allowance to a person (details supplied) in County Cork.
The person concerned was originally awarded an unmarried mother's allowance, with effect from 10 March 1983 on 29 April 1983 and was issued with an allowance order book payable from 5 May 1983.
Following reconsideration of her case, however, the effective date of the award was revised to 9 September 1982.
It was then necessary before paying the arrears to establish from the Southern Health Board the amount of supplementary welfare allowance paid by them to her since 9 September 1982. This has been done and a payable order for arrears of the allowance for the period from 9 September 1982 to 4 May 1983, less deductions in respect of supplementary welfare allowance paid to her during that time which is refundable to the health board, has now been sent to the claimant.
asked the Minister for Social Welfare when unemployment assistance will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Monaghan who received unemployment benefit up to the period ended April, 1983.
Following the completion of investigations the person concerned was assessed with nil means with effect from 14 April 1983. He is accordingly entitled to unemployment assistance at £50.50 weekly increasing to £55.55 from 29 June 1983 when the rates were increased.
Payment of weekly unemployment assistance commenced this week and when the amount of supplementary welfare allowance which was paid to him by way of advances by his local health board pending a decision on his claim is known, the balance of any arrears due will be paid.