asked the Minister for Justice the visiting facilities available to prisoners in St. Patrick's Institution, Dublin; if contact is limited to a small hatch through which visitors and prisoners communicate; if he is satisfied with these facilities; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - St. Patrick's Institution, Dublin.
Limerick East): The facilities for visits in St. Patrick's Institution are broadly similar to those for prisoners in the closed prisons who are not considered to be high security risks. Sentenced offenders are eligible for one visit a week and offenders on remand are eligible for a visit each weekday. Visits take place on mornings and afternoons each day of the week except Sunday.
It is not true that offenders in St. Patrick's and their visitors communicate through a hatch, small or otherwise. Visitors and offenders sit on opposite sides of tables during the visits. There are perspex partitions about 8 inches high on top of the tables to prevent articles, e.g. drugs, being slipped to the offenders.
I am not aware of any dissatisfaction with the visiting arrangements in St. Patrick's.