asked the Minister for Justice if a person (details supplied) in County Dublin who was successful in an open competition conducted by the Civil Service Commissioners for appointment as a prison officer and who was nominated for appointment on 18 June 1982 and who was told to report for duty on 14 August 1982 can now finally take up his appointment and proceed to work as a prison officer.
Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Prison Officer Appointment.
(Limerick East): The answer is “no”.
For reasons already conveyed to the person concerned, my predecessor was unable to be satisfied that he could proceed with that person's appointment as a prison officer.
Having carefully reviewed the case, I find myself in the same position as my predecessor.
Will the Minister agree that it is a very unfair situation that this person who was successful in an open competition conducted by the Civil Service for appointment as a prison officer had his acceptance formally notified to him and was told to report for work but, two days before the date on which he was due to report, he was told that certain matters without them being specified to him had come to the Minister's attention as a result of which he should no longer attend? Will the Minister agree that that is an unacceptable and unfair situation? Will the Minister specify what these matters are which were not conveyed at any stage to the successful applicant?
(Limerick East): The full file on this matter was available to my predecessor when he took this decision. I support the decision he took.
I am entitled to ask for the information that is in the Department. This person was successful in the examination and was told to report for work but two days before he was due to start he was told that certain matters, not specified, had come to the attention of the Minister. The person has no idea what those matters were and he says that there are no matters which are a blot against him in any way. What are those matters which have been put against that person and which were never made public to him? Is he not entitled to know why it is that two days before he was due to start work after being successful he was, for no reason that was conveyed to him, disqualified.
The Chair would like to point out to the Deputy that he has no control over a reply given by a Minister.
I am asking the Minister to state what these matters were. Will the Minister agree that the person is entitled to know what is alleged against him so that he can answer it?
(Limerick East): My predecessor made the decision on this matter on the basis of the information which was available to him. I carefully reviewed the case and I find myself in the same position as my predecessor. It would be inappropriate for me, taking all the circumstances into account, to give any more detailed information.