asked the Minister for Justice if he is aware of the alleged misuse of illegal drugs in County Donegal; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Donegal Illegal Drugs.
Limerick East): At the outset may I say again, as my predecessors have done, that while the Garda have an important role to play in controlling drug abuse the misuse of drugs is primarily a social problem.
I am informed by the Garda authorities that County Donegal has a small but increasing drug problem. In 1982, eight persons were prosecuted for drug offences in the county. The corresponding figures for 1981 and 1980 were three and one respectively. All of the cases have involved the drug cannabis. The abuse of "hard" drugs has not come to the notice of the Garda in the area.
Eighteen members of the force in the division have undergone an advanced training course on drugs. In addition, every opportunity is availed of to impress on all members the importance of their role in drug enforcement.
Question No. 82 postponed.