asked the Minister for Education the circumstances in which two pupils (details supplied) in County Cavan who are haemophiliacs were put off a school bus in Cavan on 1 March 1983.
Written Answers. - School Transport.
Pupils who are ineligible for school transport on grounds of distance from school may be facilitated on an incidental basis on special school buses on payment of the appropriate concessionary term fare. A group of such pupils, including the pupils in question, were advised, while waiting for a school bus, that they could not be allowed to travel as they had not paid the term fare. The pupils in question had not previously applied to the Department for special consideration on the basis of their medical condition.
asked the Minister for Education if she will ensure that the special transport grant for disabled pupils is related to the actual cost experienced by such pupils.
The special grants the Deputy has in mind are intended to assist towards the cost of private transport arrangements for severely disabled pupils, who cannot avail of the ordinary school transport services. The amount of grant, up to a maximum currently of £300, is related to the distance of the child from school.