asked the Minister for Agriculture if a grant for farm buildings will be awarded to a person (details supplied) in County Galway as his application was affected by the withdrawal of the farm modernisation scheme.
Written Answers. - Grant Payments.
No application had been made in this case prior to the suspension of grant aid for buildings and fixed equipment with effect from 10 February 1983. An application was received on 18 January 1984; i.e. after the re-introduction of the revised farm modernisation scheme. On inspection it transpired that the works in question had already been carried out. Consequently they are not eligible for grant aid under the scheme.
asked the Minister for Agriculture when the ewe premium payments will be made.
Because of the delay at EEC level in determining the arrangements for the ewe premium for the marketing year 1984-85 inspections will now be carried out from April to June next and it is envisaged that payments of the full premium will be made before the end of July. Payment of the 1984 sheep headage grants under the disadvantaged areas scheme will commence about the end of the present month.