asked the Minister for Education if, in respect of the extension to Whitechurch national school, County Waterford, he will state the following: (1) the date on which the bill of quantities was completed; (2) the date on which tenders were sought; (3) the date on which the construction is expected to commence; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Whitechurch (Waterford) National School.
The bill of quantities for the proposed extension to Whitechurch national school, County Waterford has not yet been received in my Department. I am not in a position at this stage to state the date on which tenders for the project are likely to be sought, and it follows that neither am I in a position to state the date on which construction is expected to commence. I wish to assure the Deputy, however, that these matters will be expedited as much as possible.