asked the Minister for Defence the present proposals he has for upgrading the equipment, vessels etc., available to the Naval Service; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Naval Service.
The upgrading of equipment is an ongoing process in the Naval Service. The computerisation of the technical stores at the naval base is at an advanced stage, while the question of computer assistance for the fishery protection operation is under consideration. Communication and navigational systems in the Naval Service are up to the most modern standards. L. E. Deirdre the oldest of the Naval Patrol vessels is at present undergoing a “half-life” refit and each of the other vessels will be the subject of an appropriate refit programme in accordance with a scheduled time scale. To facilitate more expeditious and comprehensive training, simulator equipment has been installed at Haulbowline.
The two coastal minesweepers, L. E. Fola and L. E. Grainne, have recently been withdrawn from service, with a view to their disposal. No decision as to their replacement has yet been taken.