asked the Minister for the Environment if he will indicate the desirability of providing for smokeless zones in densely populated urban areas; if he will make a statement indicating his policy on the matter; if there are any proposals for the provision of such zones; if so, where; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Smokeless Zones.
The Air Pollution Bill, 1986, which is currently before the Seanad, will permit the establishment of special control areas where intensive measures to limit air pollution, such as smokeless zoning, can be applied. It will normally be for the local authority concerned to consider and initiate action under these provisions. The procedures will involve an oral hearing by an inspector of the Minister for the Environment, where objections are made, and confirmation by the Minister.
It is clear, that particular consideration will have to be given to establishing special control areas in Dublin where there have been exceedences of the air quality limit for smoke prescribed in Council Directive 80/779/EEC. We are obliged under the directive to ensure that all such exceedences are discontinued by 1993 at the latest.