asked the Minister for the Environment if he has received a request from Cavan County Council for a loan, over 30 years, to pay for his Department's and Cavan County Councils share of the restoration of Cavan courthouses; and if he has sought EC funding for this project as suggested in the adjournment debate of 19 June 1986.
Written Answers. - Cavan Courthouse.
On 2 October 1986, I informed Cavan County Council that the Minister for Finance was prepared to sanction a 20 year loan from the Local Loans Fund to finance the restoration of Cavan Courthouse. A formal loan application from the council was received in my Department on 24 October 1986, in respect of the council office accommodation element of the restoration project and I have formally recommended a loan for the approval of the Minister for Finance. I am not aware of any EC funds which would be available for the project.