asked the Minister for the Environment when a new house grant will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Westmeath who is two years awaiting this grant.
Written Answers. - Grant Payments.
Arrangements will be made to pay the grant as soon as the written undertaking, which has been requested from the applicant, is received in the Department.
asked the Minister for the Environment when payment of a house improvement grant of £2,800 will be made to a person (details supplied) in County Carlow.
Arrangements will be made to pay the appropriate grant when the applicant forwards the information which was requested from him on 21 October 1986.
asked the Minister for The Environment when a final inspection for a house improvement grant will be carried out for a person (details supplied) in County Carlow.
A final inspection has been carried out in this case and arrangements are being made to pay the grant.
asked the Minister for the Environment when a final inspection will be carried out and payment for a house improvement grant will be made for a person (details supplied) in County Wexford; and if he will expedite the matter in view of financial circumstances.
An inspection will be carried out within the next few weeks with a view to payment of the grant.
asked the Minister for the Environment the level of a house improvement grant which will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Wexford; and when this will be issued.
Arrangements have been made to carry out a final inspection within the next few weeks with a view to payment of grants totalling £6,787 which have been approved. This will be subject to receipt of planning permission already requested from the applicant.
asked the Minister for the Environment when a mortgage subsidy will be paid to a person (details supplied) in Dublin 11.
An application for mortgage subsidy has not been received from the person named.