asked the Minister for the Environment the reason for the delay in replying to Deputy Alyward's representations of 3 September 1986 on behalf of a person (details supplied) in County Kilkenny in connection with a driving licence; and if a new certificate of competency can now be issued to him.
Written Answers. - Driving Licence.
The delay in replying to the Deputy's representations, which is regretted, was due to a large build-up of work in the section concerned. Steps have been taken to avoid a repetition. A certificate of competency ceases to be valid unless it is submitted to a licensing authority with an application for a driving licence within 18 months from the date of issue of the certificate. This is a statutory requirement which I have no power to waive.
The person concerned was issued with a certificate of competency on completion of his driving test on 30 May 1984. The period of validity of that certificate would have expired on 30 November 1985 unless he had applied for a driving licence by that date. I understand that the licensing authority has no record of the receipt of an application from him for a driving licence within that period. Consequently, he has no option but to obtain a new certificate of competency by successfully undergoing a further driving test.