asked the Minister for Tourism, Fisheries and Forestry the number of hectares of land in Connemara which are now classified as areas of scientific interest by An Foras Forbartha in association with the Forestry and Wildlife Service; and if he will indicate whose responsibility it is to notify land owners that their lands are being classified as areas of scientific interest; and the right of appeal they have on the matter.
Written Answers. - Areas of Scientific Interest.
Within the Connemara region some 28 sites covering approximately 11,600 hectares are considered to be of scientific interest by An Foras Forbartha and the Forestry and Wildlife Service.
This listing has no legal or statutory basis and the inclusion of lands on the list does not impart any form of protection or impose any obligations on owners. Consequently the need to formally notify owners does not arise.
I might add, for the Deputy's information, that if it were decided to protect any of these sites under the Wildlife Act, 1976 the owners would be notified of such contemplated action by my Department and would be given a full opportunity of discussing the matter and of advancing such objections as they deemed necessary.