asked the Minister for Education the present position in relation to an application for the provision of a general purposes room and improvements for Lahardane national school, County Mayo.
Written Answers. - County Mayo National Schools.
The question of grant aiding a general purposes room for Lahardane national school, County Mayo, will not arise for consideration until such time as it is clear that an enrolment sufficient in the ordinary course to warrant a staff of three teachers at the school would be maintained for the foreseeable future. I should explain that the present staffing of three teachers has been authorised on a concessionary basis only, consequent on an amalgamation with another national school. The position has already been explained to the school authorities.
My Department in February last sanctioned a grant towards the cost of certain improvements at the school, and will shortly be in touch with the school authorities in relation to an application for grant aid towards further improvement works.
asked the Minister for Education the present position regarding the provision of improvements to the Convent national school, Achill Sound, County Mayo.
A grant has been sanctioned by my Department towards the cost of improvements to and the extension of the national school at Achill Sound, County Mayo. Tender documentation has been prepared by the architects engaged by the school authorities. The question of inviting tenders for the project will arise for consideration in the context of the 1987 allocation to my Department for national school building.