I propose to take Questions Nos. 160 and 161 together.
Sessional supervisors employed under the community services order scheme are paid at a rate of £5 per hour. The question of applying public service pay rises to the rate is under consideration at present and I expect to be able to announce a revised rate in the near future.
Sessional supervisors are considered to be employees. The tax arrangements applying to them have been agreed with the Revenue Commissioners. I am not aware that the current tax arrangements, whereby end of tax year returns are made to the Revenue Commissioners in respect of each supervisor employed in the preceding year, has been a cause of concern to the supervisors employed under the scheme. The position is that they are engaged on projects for a maximum of 14 hours per week and unless they have income from other sources are for the most part unlikely to incur a tax liability during the income tax year. I am prepared to examine the position further in the event of any specific information about difficulties in relation to tax liability being made available to me.