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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 25 Oct 1990

Vol. 402 No. 2

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Closure of Military Barracks.

Michael D. Higgins


10 Mr. M. Higgins asked the Minister for Defence if he has any plans to close further military barracks in 1991.

Eamon Gilmore


44 Mr. Gilmore asked the Minister for Defence if he will outline his proposals for streamlining barracks deployment in the Defence Forces; if it will involve the closure of any barracks now in use; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 10 and 44 together.

The Government have decided to close and dispose of Collins Barracks, Dublin and to relocate the troops serving there to new and refurbished accommodation in McKee Barracks, Dublin and Cathal Brugha Barracks, Dublin. The military post at Fort Dunree was closed in June of this year and the troops serving there were relocated to Rockhill Military Post, Lifford Military Post and FCA appointments locally. The old military barracks in Cavan was closed and the troops stationed there were relocated to the new barracks at Cavan last month. The troops stationed at the military post at Cootehill were also relocated to the new military barracks in Cavan and to Monaghan Military Barracks and the premises at Cootehill which was held by my Department on lease has been handed back to the owners. The question of closing further military barracks and posts is being examined in my Department but no decisions have been taken yet.

The last statement refers to the question. Can the Minister deny that his Department have proposals to close down military installations in both Cork and Kildare? Is he considering the impact of such proposals on local communities?

This is a separate question but the whole matter of the proper location of barracks is always under review. As of now, no decision has been made in my Department in regard to closures other than Collins Barracks in Dublin and the relocation of barracks in the Cavan-Monaghan area.

Given that the whole question of reorganisation is an integral part of the recommendation of the Gleeson report, will the future closure of any barracks be subject to consultations with the representative associations and others, as indicated by the Minister earlier in respect of all other matters in the Gleeson report?

This is a matter which has to be considered in the overall context of what type of Army and Defence Forces we want in the future.

Yes or no? Will there be consultation?

The Deputy asked the question. Let us listen to the reply.

The new structure of the Army will be considered by the representative bodies and barracks location will fit in with whatever structure is envisaged. We do not have barracks for the sake of barracks. Barracks are there for the sake of the Army. The Army structure is the important matter. Let us get first things first. The structural rearrangement of the Army arising out of the Gleeson report will be a matter for consideration by the representative bodies.

And any closures that follow from that?

If there are any.

The Minister was not as specific as I would have liked in relation to particular questions. Will that information be forthcoming after 7 November?

That is a point of view.
