I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given to me under Standing Order 20 (3) (a) and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Gregory — The use of sick and diseased hares by the Irish Coursing Club at the national coursing finals in Clonmel in contravention of licence conditions and the resulting unacceptable high level of kills at Clonmel and other coursing meetings this year all of which is seriously damaging Ireland's image abroad; (2) Deputy McGrath — The impending industrial action at CBS primary school, Mullingar, County Westmeath, by the INTO because of the failure of the Department of Education to recognise certain pupils enrolled at that school; (3) Deputy Taylor — The actions of the Garda Síochána at Dublin Airport on the morning of 21 May 1992 so far as the entry into the country of The Guardian newspaper is concerned; (4) Deputy Garland — The situation arising whereby members of the security forces who are not members of the Roman Catholic faith were disciplined for not attending Mass and other Roman Catholic religious observances; (5) Deputy De Rossa — The withholding of 2,000 copies of The Guardian newspaper as a result of an advertisement carried in today's issue; the implications for freedom of speech and information of the withdrawal of the paper; the role of the Garda at Dublin Airport last night; and the need for the Government to take steps to ensure the right of citizens to freedom of information; (6) Deputy Durkan — The failure of the Minister for Energy, having regard to the revised programme for Government, to take any action to protect more than 100 jobs at Lullymore Briquette Factory, County Kildare, which is due to close on 5 June with devastating consequences for the area.
I have selected for discussions the matter raised by Deputies Gregory, Taylor and McGrath.