Bernard Allen
Question:96 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Justice if she will give details of the new Europol System set up within the EC; and whether this organisation will be subject to proper democratic scrutiny and data protection safeguards.
Vol. 427 No. 2
96 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Justice if she will give details of the new Europol System set up within the EC; and whether this organisation will be subject to proper democratic scrutiny and data protection safeguards.
At its meeting in December 1991, the European Council agreed that a European police office (Europol), the initial function of which would be to organise the exchange of information on narcotic drugs amongst the Community's twelve member states, should be created.
Since then, as part of the preparatory work necessary for the establishment of Europol, examination of a wide range of issues relevant to the functioning of Europol, including those raised by the Deputy, has been taking place.
The Europol Drugs Unit which, it is hoped, will be established at an early date, will play an important part in the fight against drug trafficking and drug-related crime generally.