I move, that notwithstanding the order of the Dáil this morning, it is now proposed that the proceedings on Committee Stage of the Waiver of Certain Tax, Interest and Penalties Bill, 1993, shall be brought to a conclusion in accordance with the following timetable: (i) the proceedings on sections 1 to 4, inclusive, shall be brought to a conclusion not later than 5.30 p.m. today; (ii) the proceedings on sections 5 to 12, inclusive, shall be brought to a conclusion not later than 2 p.m. on Friday, 2 July 1993; and (iii) the proceedings on all remaining sections and the Title shall be brought to a conclusion not later than 1 p.m. on Tuesday, 6 July 1993; and where proceedings have not concluded by the stated times, they shall be brought to a conclusion by one question, which shall be put from the Chair of the Select Committee, and which shall in relation to amendments, include only amendments set down or accepted by the Minister for Finance.
Waiver of Certain Tax, Interest and Penalties Bill, 1993: Allocation of Time.
Is that agreed? Agreed.