Seamus Brennan
Question:214 Mr. S. Brennan asked the Minister for Transport, Energy and Communications his views on existing safety limits for dangerous chemicals and radiation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3180/96]
Vol. 461 No. 4
214 Mr. S. Brennan asked the Minister for Transport, Energy and Communications his views on existing safety limits for dangerous chemicals and radiation; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [3180/96]
The limits for exposure to ionising radiation are laid down in the European Communities Ionising Radiation Regulations, 1991 which are enforced by the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland. These limits reflect the latest recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection and also those contained in the Basic Safety Standards of the EU and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Any new safety limits agreed at Community level will be transposed into Irish legislation.
All applications of ionising radiation require a licence from the institute and the institute is empowered to attach conditions to ensure the safety of all.