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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 17 Apr 1997

Vol. 477 No. 7

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

Michael Ring


164 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when a person (details supplied) in County Leitrim will receive her headage payments in view of the fact that the delay is causing financial hardship. [10333/97]

Payment of outstanding grants will be made to the person named within the next two weeks.

Michael Ring


165 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid the remainder of his 1996 suckler cow and cattle headage premia in view of the fact that the delay is causing financial hardship. [10334/97]

The closing date for receipt of applications under the 1996 cattle headage and suckler cow premium schemes was 31 May 1996 but it was subsequently extended to 7 June 1996 without penalty. Applications lodged after that date but up to 3 July 1996 were accepted subject to the appropriate percentage penalty for late applications.

The person named submitted a letter to the local office of my Department on 12 October 1996 stating that he was in ill health and that he had not received an application form under the cattle headage and suckler cow premium scheme.

He was informed that the closing dates had long since passed but he was given the opportunity of appealing the decision if he submitted medical evidence to support his claim of ill health. Medical evidence was received on 26 March 1997 but it only confirmed that the farmer concerned was hospitalised between 25 March 1996 and 11 May 1996. As there was ample time after 11 May 1996 to obtain and lodge an application form before the extended closing date of 7 June 1996 or the later closing date of 3 July 1996, it was not possible to consider an application from him in March 1997. While my Department endeavours to send application forms under these schemes to all likely eligible herdowners, the onus still remains with each farmer to obtain and lodge his or her application form.

Michael Ring


167 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when persons (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid their 1996 special beef premium in view of the fact that the delay is causing financial hardship. [10336/97]

The person named applied for eight animals under the ten month special beef premium scheme on 21 February 1996 and six animals under the ten months special beef premium scheme on 3 December 1996. The total forage area declared on the person's area aid application was 12.45 hectares thus entitling him to claim up to 24.9 livestock units including notional units derived from any milk quota held before exceeding his stocking density.

The person concerned declared a milk quota of 23,499 gallons and confirmed recently that he is not in the milk recording scheme. This milk quota represents 26.19 livestock units i.e. 23,499 divided by 897 and as such exceeds his stocking density limit of 24.9 livestock units. Consequently, the number of livestock units on which the person might claim special beef premium is already used up by his milk quota. This renders the person named ineligible for payment in respect of special beef premium.

Michael Ring


172 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid his 1996 sheep headage, cattle headage and suckler cow premia in view of the fact that the delay is causing financial hardship. [10352/97]

The person named applied on 20 ewes under the 1996 ewe premium scheme and 20 hoggets under the 1996 sheep headage scheme. At an inspection carried out on his flock on 8 March 1996 20 ewes were presented and accepted. No hoggets were presented and the person named was deemed ineligible under the sheep headage scheme. At the subsequent compliance inspection carried out on 18 April 1996, no ewes were presented and the person named was deemed intellgible under the ewe premium scheme.

The person named applied under the 1996 cattle headage scheme on 21 animals. He was inspected on 20 September 1996 and nine animals were absent. Consequently the person named incurred a penalty of 100 per cent.

The person named applied for the October 1996 suckler cow scheme under his own herd number. This application could not be processed as an application had already been received on 5 June 1996 for the May 1996 suckler cow premium scheme is small-scale milk producers under a different herd number of which the person named became one of the joint registered owners on 5 July 1996. Only one application is allowed under the suckler cow premium scheme each year. He and his mother will, however, receive payment under the May 1996 suckler cow premium scheme for small-scale milk producers within two weeks. The delay in making payment in this case is due to inquiries which had to be made following an on-farm inspection.

Michael Ring


173 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid his 1996 cattle headage and suckler cow premia in view of the fact that the delay is causing financial hardship. [10353/97]

Payment will be made under the 1996 cattle headage and suckler cow premium schemes to the joint registered herdowners, including the person named, within a week.

Michael Ring


174 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid his 1996 ewe premium, which is under appeal, in view of the fact that the delay is causing financial hardship. [10354/97]

It was a condition of the 1996 ewe premium scheme that applicants keep on their holdings for 100 days, from 10 January 1996, to 18 April 1996 the number of sheep on which they applied for premium. Following a compliance inspection of the sheep on which the person named claimed premium he was deemed to be in breach of that condition and his application for premium was rejected. He was informed of the decision in writing and as you know he has subsequently appealed this decision, as is his right under the Charter of Rights for Farmers. The decision to reject the application is currently under review in the appeals unit and the person named will be informed of the outcome as soon as possible. If his appeal is upheld payment of the premium will be made without delay.

Michael Ring


180 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid his 1996 top-up sheep headage and ewe premia in view of the fact that the delay is causing financial hardship. [10360/97]

It was a condition of the 1996 ewe premium scheme that applicants keep on their holdings for 100 days, from 10 January 1996, to 18 April 1996 the number of sheep on which they applied for premium. Under the sheep headage scheme applicants were required to keep the sheep for two months from the day following receipt of application. Following an inspection of the sheep on which the person named claimed premium-headage he was deemed to be in breach of the above conditions and his application for premium/headage was rejected. He was informed of this decision in writing. His case was subsequently reviewed in the local office and the original decision was upheld. He then appealed his case to the appeals unit who upheld the original decision to reject the application. The person named has since written to the Ombudsman's office to have his case reviewed. Payment of ewe premium and sheep headage will depend on the outcome of this review.

Michael Ring


181 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid his 1996 sheep headage in view of the fact that the delay is causing financial hardship. [10361/97]

The person named received his full entitlement of £57.75 under the 1996 sheep headage scheme last December. Due to acreage restrictions his grants under both the 1996 cattle headage and sheep headage schemes were limited to £709.11. He was paid £615.15 under the cattle headage scheme in September 1996 and consequently his sheep headage grant including the top-up was restricted to £57.75.

Michael Ring


182 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid his 1996 suckler cow scheme in view of the fact that the delay is causing financial hardship and an inspector called to him recently. [10362/97]

The person named applied for 1996 suckler cow premium on seven animals, one of which he did not have in his ownership and possession at the date of application. He was deemed, therefore, to have made a false declaration and was informed of the position. He appealed the decision. This is being examined at present and he will be informed of the outcome as soon as possible.

Michael Ring


183 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid the remainder of his 1996 suckler cow premium in view of the fact that the delay is causing financial hardship. [10363/97]

The person named applied for 1996 suckler cow premium on seven animals. Two of the animals presented at inspection were rejected as their tagnumbers did not correspond to the tagnumbers listed on his application. However, on appeal, one of the rejected animals was accepted but the other remained rejected. He will be paid, shortly, on six animals with a rejection penalty.

Michael Ring


185 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid his 1996 suckler cow premium in view of the fact that the delay is causing financial hardship. [10365/97]

The person named applied for 1996 suckler cow premium on 16 animals, nine of which were sold or died prior to the date of application. He was deemed, therefore, to have made a false declaration and was informed of the position. He appealed the decision, this is being examined at present and he will be informed of the outcome as soon as possible.

Michael Ring


186 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid his 1996 22 month special beef premium in view of the fact that the delay is causing financial hardship. [10366/97]

The person named applied for 22 months, special beef premium on 13 animals on 29 July 1996. The application has been processed and payment is expected to issue today.

Michael Ring


187 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid his 1996 special beef premium in view of the fact that the delay is causing financial hardship. [10367/97]

The person named applied for ten month special beef premium on 44 animals on 13 December 1996. The application has been processed and payment is expected to issue today.

Michael Ring


190 Mr. Ring asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when a person (details supplied) in County Mayo will be paid her 1996 sheep headage, cattle headage and suckler cow premia in view of the fact that the delay is causing financial hardship. [10370/97]

The person named applied for 40 mountain breeding ewes and five hogget ewes under the 1996 sheep headage scheme. As she does not have mountain grazing, she is not eligible for payment on the 40 mountain breeding ewes. Payment for the five hogget ewes will issue within two weeks.

The person named applied for 45 ewes under the 1996 ewe premium scheme. At an inspection carried out on 18 April 1996, 37 ewes were presented and eight ewes were absent. Consequently the person named incurred a penalty of 100 per cent in accordance with EU regulations.

The person named will be paid her 1996 cattle headage and suckler cow grants within the next two weeks.
