John Ellis
Question:102 Mr. Ellis asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if his Department will make a REP scheme payment to a person (details supplied) in County Leitrim. [25262/98]
Vol. 497 No. 4
102 Mr. Ellis asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if his Department will make a REP scheme payment to a person (details supplied) in County Leitrim. [25262/98]
The person in question has already completed two years in REPS. Following a compliance inspection a number of issues have arisen in this case which will require clarification by the applicant and which will include the submission of a revised agri-environmental plan. He has been informed of the position. The third year payment will be processed as soon as these issues have been resolved.
103 Mr. Creed asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Cork will be paid 1998 suckler cow, cattle headage and ten and 22 month beef premia. [25269/98]
The area aid application for the person concerned has been processed. Any outstanding payments due will issue as soon as possible.