A request for tender for the provision of a fully managed facility, that is site, buildings, full management and catering facilities, to accommodate up to 400 asylum seekers, including infants and children, on the tenderer's own site and within a ten mile radius of Dublin Airport was published by the Office of Public Works in November 2000. In response, a number of companies submitted proposals which were examined by the Office of Public Works and the Reception and Integration Agency. Arising from this examination the RIA placed a contract with East Coast Catering Ireland Limited for the provision of such a facility at Balseskin, County Dublin.
The facility in question will be a low rise accommodation centre, modelled on similar facilities used extensively throughout Europe. The site has not been purchased by the State and the company in question has entered into a fixed term – three years – contract for the provision of the accommodation and ancillary services.
The residents of this centre will be accommodated on a direct provision basis, that is full board and lodgings will be provided to them.
Full health and social welfare services will be provided on site and schools will be sourced based on available capacity. A school bus service will be arranged as appropriate.
The terms of the contract entered into in respect of this facility also requires the contractor to put in place recreational facilities to cater for adults, children and mothers with infants.