Before coming to the Order of Business I propose to deal with a number of related notices of motion under Standing Order 31 dealing with two separate topics. With regard to the first topic I received notices from Deputies Gay Mitchell, Neville and Ring. I propose to call the Deputies in the order in which they submitted notices to my office.
Request to move Adjournment of Dáil under Standing Order 31.
I seek to move the Adjournment of the Dáil under Standing Order 31 to discuss the following matter of urgent public importance requiring immediate attention: the failure of the Minister for Health and Children, Deputy Martin, to deal with the nursing home crisis culminating in the threatened eviction of 11 elderly residents of a nursing home in Ballincollig, County Cork, tomorrow, and if he will outline the immediate steps he will take to remedy this crisis in view of the Ombudsman's report and the fact that the Ombudsman is reporting on this matter to the Committee on Health and Children as we speak.
I seek to move the Adjournment of the Dáil under Standing Order 31 to discuss the following matter of urgent public importance requiring immediate attention: the failure of the Minister for Health and Children, Deputy Martin, to introduce a major overhaul of the nursing home subvention scheme, in particular the need for his urgent intervention to prevent 11 residents from being evicted from a nursing home in Ballincollig, County Cork, tomorrow.
I seek to move the Adjournment of the Dáil under Standing Order 31 to discuss the following matter of urgent public importance requiring immediate attention: the failure of the Minister for Health and Children, Deputy Martin, to provide sufficient funding to the Southern Health Board to prevent the eviction of 11 elderly residents of a nursing home in Ballincollig, County Cork.
Having considered the matters fully, I do not consider them to be contemplated by Standing Order 31 and therefore I cannot grant leave to move the motions.
With regard to the second topic, I received notice from Deputy Sargent and I call on him to state the matter.
I seek to move the Adjournment of the Dáil under Standing Order 31 to allow a full debate, including a questions and answers session, on the implications of the statement by Mr. Romano Prodi, President of the European Commission, to the effect that enlargement of the EU could proceed beyond 20 member states without ratification of the Treaty of Nice and the fact that on that matter the people of Ireland were told categorically by the Government, the Fine Gael Party and the Labour Party that enlargement depended on the Treaty of Nice.
Having considered the matter fully, I do not consider it to be one contemplated by Standing Order 31 and therefore I cannot grant leave to move the motion.