The Residential Institutions Redress Act, 2002, provides for the establishment of the Residential Institutions Redress Board. Four members have been appointed to the board to date. The chairperson, Judge Kieran O'Connor Dr. Helen Cummiskey, Dr. Ruth Pilkington and Professor Desmond Greer. Further appointments to the board will be made as required. Office accommodation has been secured for the board at Belfield Office Park, Clonskeagh, Dublin 4. A secretary and registrar have been appointed to the board and administrative and legal teams are being assembled.
The board has now set a provisional date of 2 December 2002 for formal establishment and my Department will continue to provide every assistance to the board in order to achieve this target. The legal team for the Residential Institutions Redress Board have met on two occasions with a number of solicitor firms to update them on the board's progress, a draft application form has also been sent to a number of solicitors' firms for their views.
Question No. 275 answered with Question No. 130.