I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputies Hayes and Healy – the need for south Tipperary to be included in the decentralisation programme to be announced shortly; (2) Deputy Broughan – the urgent need for the Office of Public Works to facilitate a better rental arrangement for tenants at the new civil offices in Coolock, Dublin 5; (3) Deputy Hogan – to ask the Minister to reverse his decision to impose major increases in charges for small businesses in respect of licence fees for directional signage arising from the Planning and Development Act 2002; (4) Deputy O'Sullivan – the dilapidated state of St Kieran's Boys National School, Galvone, Limerick and the need to provide adequate funding to carry out repairs; (5) Deputy Seán Ryan – the difficulty in operating Part V of the Planning and Development Act 2000 arising from Department of the Environment and Local Government's circulars in respect of income limit for eligibility for local authority loans, loan limits of €130,000 and the reluctance of the commercial lending institutions to accept the required clawback provisions of the scheme, which have all resulted in eligible applicants under the scheme being unable to secure a loan; (6) Deputy Kirk – the proposed redundancy payment increases having regard to the threat of closure of Lissadell Towels, Aclint, Ardee; (7) Deputy Richard Bruton – the design failure which appears to have given rise to the collapse of support beams and subsidence of Dublin Port Tunnel; (8) Deputy Crawford – the urgent need for the Minister for Agriculture and Food to provide the necessary support for the livestock, pig and poultry industry to avoid total chaos due to his withdrawal of the €45 million subsidy towards the disposal of meat and bonemeal before alternative structures were put in place; (9) Deputy Crowe – the reports that the cutbacks in FÁS supported schemes announced by the Government will cost up to 300 jobs in the Tallaght area of Dublin and how the Government intends to meet the needs of local communities having forced the closure of so many essential local services; (10) Deputy Neville – the need for an independent investigation into the death by suicide of a 21 year old student at the Mid-Western Regional Hospital on 20 September 2002; (11) Deputy Morgan – to ask the Minister for the Environment and Local Government to comment on the decision by An Bord Pleanála to grant planning permission to Indaver Ireland to build an incinerator at Carranstown, Duleek, County Meath; (12) Deputy O'Dowd – to ask the Minister for Education and Science to make a statement on the urgent need for a new primary school to replace Scoil Mhuire Fatima, Dublin Road, Drogheda, County Louth; (13) Deputy Connolly – the position regarding the application for an extension at Scoil Naomh Padraig, Corracrin, Emyvale, County Monaghan.
The matters raised by Deputies Kirk, Broughan, Connolly and Richard Bruton have been selected for discussion.