The Government's overall housing strategy is to increase housing supply to meet demand and to improve affordability, particularly for first-time buyers. Arising from this strategy, 2002 was the eighth successive year of record house completions with 57,695 units completed, an increase in output of 9.7% on 2001. A further substantial increase in housing output is anticipated for 2003.
Under the Planning and Development Act 2000, each planning authority was required to prepare a housing strategy which would form an integral part of the development plan and provide the cornerstone for future housing policy within the functional area of the authority. All planning authorities have drawn up housing strategies and some are in the process of reviewing them in the context of preparing new development plans. Others may be reviewed in the context of the requirement to review existing development plans after two years.
Housing strategies are required to address the housing needs of all sectors of the existing and future population in the area of the development plan including first-time buyers, the elderly, people with disabilities, students etc. The strategies should provide for an appropriate mix of dwelling types and size to cater for the range of housing needs, and must also encourage mixed and balanced communities in order to counteract undue social segregation.
These housing strategies form a part of the development plan. It is open to the Minister, under the Planning and Development Acts, to issue policy directives to planning authorities regarding their functions under the Act and, specifically, development plans and planning authorities must comply with any such directives.