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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 18 Dec 2003

Vol. 577 No. 5

Written Answers. - Special Education Needs.

Finian McGrath


99 Mr. F. McGrath asked the Minister for Education and Science the number of children with intellectual and physical disabilities attending national schools; and the position regarding development in services in 2004. [31849/03]

A census of children with special educational needs in all national schools has recently been conducted by my Department. Data from the census is currently being collated and the information sought by the Deputy will be forwarded to him in due course.

With regard to the development of services, significant levels of special educational needs supports have been allocated by my Department to schools in recent years. For example, the number of resource teachers has increased from 104 in 1998 to approximately 2,500 currently in primary schools, to help cater for pupils with special educational needs in integrated settings. The needs of schools for resource teaching support, and the basis of allocation of that support, are being kept under review.

The number of learning support teachers in the primary school system has increased from 1,302 in 1998 to 1,531 at present. This level of investment has enabled every primary school in the country to avail of the services of a learning support teacher and it is not my intention to expand this service in 2004.

Currently, there are 108 special schools catering for approximately 6,000 pupils. These schools employ an estimated 1,090 teachers. In addition, there are approximately 500 special classes attached to mainstream primary schools catering for an estimated 4,000 pupils. Additional schools and classes may be established by my Department on the basis of assessed needs.

Since the establishment of the National Educational Psychological Service – NEPS – in September 1999, the number of psychologists assigned to the agency has tripled, rising to 127 psychologists at present. The Government's decision to establish NEPS included the specification that there would ultimately be 184 psychologists in NEPS in addition to approximately 16 psychologists employed elsewhere in the educational system.

I intend to recruit additional psychologists to make up the shortfall, as resources permit, and bearing in mind the general staffing constraints that exist at present. Pending the expansion of NEPS to all schools in the country, my Department has allocated funding for schools that do not yet have access to the NEPS service to commission psychological assessments from private practitioners. NEPS has issued details of how to avail of this scheme to all schools.
