Table of contents
Thu, 8 Jul 2004
- Prelude
- Requests to move Adjournment of Dáil under Standing Order 31.
- Order of Business.
- Estimates for Public Services 2004.
- Freedom of Information Act 1997: Motion.
- Taxes Consolidation Act 1997 (Prescribed Research and Development Activities) Regulations 2004: Motion.
- International Agreements: Motion.
- Electricity (Supply) (Amendment) Bill 2004 [Seanad]: Order for Report Stage.
- Electricity (Supply) (Amendment) Bill 2004 [Seanad]: Report and Final Stages.
- Ombudsman (Defence Forces) Bill 2002: Order for Report Stage.
- Ombudsman (Defence Forces) Bill 2002: Report Stage.
- Business of Dáil.
- Membership of Committee: Motion.
- Ombudsman (Defence Forces) Bill 2002: Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage.
- International Criminal Court Bill 2003: Second Stage (Resumed).
- International Criminal Court Bill 2003: Referral to Select Committee.
- Ceisteanna — Questions.
- Other Questions.
- Message from Seanad.
- Adjournment Debate Matters.
- Adjournment Debate.
Written Answers.
- Proposed Legislation.
- Prison Accommodation.
- Departmental Appointments.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Cory Report.
- Asylum Applications.
- Personal Injuries Litigation.
- Social Partnership.
- Proposed Legislation.
- Statutory Press Council.
- Criminal Prosecutions.
- Child Care Services.
- Garda Investigations.
- European Court Case.
- Road Safety.
- Drugs Offences.
- Garda Recruitment.
- Prison Accommodation.
- Garda Deployment.
- Juvenile Liaison Officers.
- Services for People with Disabilities.
- Prison Location.
- Legal Costs.
- Legal Aid Board.
- Child Care Services.
- Citizenship Laws.
- Garda Stations.
- Garda Investigations.
- Liquor Licensing Laws.
- Sentencing Policy.
- Garda Stations.
- Garda Retirement.
- Crime Prevention.
- Garda Overtime.
- Garda Investigations.
- Equality Legislation.
- Courts System Reform.
- Asylum Applications.
- Compensation Payments.
- Witness Security Programme.
- Juvenile Justice System.
- Court Fees.
- Gender Pay Gap.
- Prisoner Accommodation.
- Prison Doctors’ Dispute.
- Asylum Applications.
- Judicial Appointments.
- Courts Service.
- Child Care Services.
- Penalty Points System.
- Garda Equipment.
- Penalty Points System.
- Community Employment Schemes.
- Departmental Staff.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- International Standard Book Numbering.
- Work Permits.
- Court of Inquiry.
- Departmental Staff.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Military Investigation.
- Grant Payments.
- Residue Testing Programme.
- Grant Payments.
- Animal Diseases.
- Departmental Staff.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Agriculture Industry.
- National Monuments.
- Task Force on Flooding.
- Garda Stations.
- Flood Relief.
- Insurance Industry.
- Government Securities.
- Departmental Offices.
- Departmental Staff.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Grant Payments.
- Garda Stations.
- Oil Smuggling.
- Consular Issues.
- Foreign Conflicts.
- Departmental Staff.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Consular Issues.
- Human Rights Issues.
- Visa Applications.
- Indemnity Agreement.
- Summer Works Scheme.
- Special Educational Needs.
- School Transport.
- School Accommodation.
- Special Educational Needs.
- Benchmarking Awards.
- Schools Building Projects.
- Special Educational Needs.
- Schools Building Projects.
- School Enrolments.
- School Curriculum.
- Early School Leavers.
- School Staffing.
- Special Educational Needs.
- Bullying in Schools.
- Special Educational Needs.
- School Transport.
- Special Educational Needs.
- School Transport.
- Education Welfare Officers.
- Psychological Service.
- Child Care Services.
- Schools Insurance.
- Youthreach Programme.
- National Council for Special Education.
- Residential Institutions Redress Scheme.
- School Curriculum.
- Home-School Liaison Service.
- Early Start Programme.
- Community Resources.
- Educational Projects.
- Applied Leaving Certificate Programme.
- Institiúid Teangeolaíochta Éireann.
- PLC Courses.
- Departmental Staff.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Special Educational Needs.
- Schools Refurbishment.
- Schools Building Projects.
- Apprentice Training Opportunities.
- Psychological Service.
- Schools Refurbishment.
- Psychological Service.
- Student Support Schemes.
- Psychological Service.
- Special Educational Needs.
- Physical Education Facilities.
- School Curriculum.
- Teacher Training.
- School Staffing.
- Special Educational Needs.
- Schools Building Projects.
- Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse.
- Pension Provisions.
- Fishing Vessel Licences.
- Foreshore Licences.
- Gas Supplies.
- Renewable Energy Programme.
- Commission for Energy Regulation.
- Renewable Energy Programme.
- Sustainable Energy Ireland.
- Fishing Vessel Licences.
- Departmental Staff.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Gas Pipeline Project.
- Corrib Gas Field.
- Fisheries Protection.
- Tourism Industry.
- Departmental Staff.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Sports Capital Programme.
- Health Board Allowances.
- Hospital Waiting Lists.
- Care of the Elderly.
- Housing Aid for the Elderly.
- Hospital Services.
- Hospital Staff.
- Cancer Screening Programme.
- Health Board Services.
- Hospital Waiting Lists.
- National Treatment Purchase Fund.
- Hospitals Building Programme.
- EU Directives.
- Hospital Services.
- Medical Cards.
- Health Board Allowances.
- Hospital Services.
- Departmental Funding.
- Departmental Correspondence.
- Departmental Investigations.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Hospital Services.
- Departmental Staff.
- Health Board Services.
- Hospitals Building Programme.
- Mental Health Services.
- Hospital Waiting Lists.
- Health Board Services.
- Hospital Services.
- Adoption Laws.
- Care of the Elderly.
- Hospital Services.
- Medical Cards.
- Health Board Allowances.
- Hospital Charges.
- Hospital Services.
- Hospital Charges.
- Accident and Emergency Services.
- Housing Aid for the Elderly.
- Ambulance Service.
- Hospital Accommodation.
- Freight Carrier Licences.
- Passenger Licences.
- Road Safety.
- Rail Services.
- Vehicle Height Restrictions.
- Driving Tests.
- Departmental Staff.
- Decentralisation Policy.
- Light Rail Project.
- Public Transport.
- Taxi Regulations.
- Light Rail Project.
- Public Transport.
- Traffic Calming Measures.
- Registration of Title.
- Citizenship Applications.
- EU Presidency.
- Garda Investigations.
- Residency Permits.
- Garda Strength.
- Deportation Orders.
- Crime Levels.
- Registration of Title.
- Departmental Staff.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Grant Payments.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Citizenship Applications.
- Taxi Regulations.
- Missing Persons.
- Garda Recruitment.
- Garda Transport.
- Garda Operations.
- Garda Investigations.
- Road Traffic Offences.
- Garda Deployment.
- Child Care Services.
- Juvenile Offenders.
- Road Traffic Offences.
- Statute Law Restatement.
- Garda Strength.
- Judicial Conduct.
- Electronic Tagging.
- Proposed Legislation.
- Planning Issues.
- Water and Sewerage Schemes.
- Housing Policy.
- Urban Renewal Schemes.
- Water and Sewerage Schemes.
- Special Areas of Conservation.
- Heritage Council.
- Fire Stations.
- Departmental Staff.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Waste Management.
- Local Government Elections.
- Local Authority Funding.
- Archaeological Licences.
- Archaeological Programmes.
- Planning Issues.
- Local Authority Funding.
- Grant Payments.
- State Property.
- Dormant Accounts Fund.
- Stádas na Gaeilge.
- Departmental Staff.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Údarás na Gaeltachta.
- Social Welfare Benefits.
- Departmental Staff.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Social Welfare Benefits.
- Social Welfare Code.