I wish to advise the House of the following matters in respect of which notice has been given under Standing Order 21 and the name of the Member in each case: (1) Deputy Timmins — the assistance being provided by the HSE to the community first responders scheme in counties Wicklow and Kildare; (2) Deputy Moynihan-Cronin — the need to provide a maternity unit at Kerry General Hospital; (3) Deputy Ferris — the unemployment situation in Tralee; (4) Deputy O'Dowd — the process by which the location of the proposed new acute hospital in the HSE north east area will be decided; (5) Deputy Cowley — the situation regarding the number of people on trolleys in Mayo General Hospital; (6) Deputy Olivia Mitchell — the amelioration of nuisance noise in residential areas close to the M50 caused by traffic; (7) Deputy Walsh — the inordinate delay in the commencement of work on the affordable housing scheme at Darrara, Clonakilty, County Cork; (8) Deputy Connolly — the recent changes in the nursing homes subvention scheme; (9) Deputy Ó Snodaigh — the failure of An Post to deliver social welfare cheques in the Ballyfermot and Palmerstown areas; (10) Deputy Healy — the need for flexibility to ensure that participants are retained on CE schemes where they are partaking in a return to education programme; (11) Deputy Costello — the need for the Government to refer the European Parliament's report on extraordinary rendition to a parliamentary committee of inquiry as recommended by the European Parliament; (12) Deputy Morgan — the problems being experienced by vessels sailing in Irish waters under flags of convenience; and (13) Deputy McHugh — the threatened closure of Seamount College, Kinvara, County Galway.
The matters raised by Deputies Moynihan-Cronin, O'Dowd, Connolly and Walsh have been selected for discussion.