Table of contents
Thu, 8 Mar 2007
- Prelude
- Requests to move Adjournment of Dáil under Standing Order 31.
- Order of Business.
- Restriction on Animal Testing Bill 2007: First Stage.
- Diseases of Animals Act 1966: Motion.
- Prisons Bill 2006 [Seanad]: Report Stage (Resumed) and Final Stage.
- Electoral (Amendment) Bill 2007: Order for Second Stage.
- Electoral (Amendment) Bill 2007: Second Stage.
- Electoral (Amendment) Bill 2007: Referral to Select Committee.
- Message from Select Committee.
- Ceisteanna — Questions.
- Priority Questions.
- Other Questions.
- Adjournment Debate Matters.
- Adjournment Debate.
Written Answers.
- Organic Farming.
- Genetically Modified Organisms.
- Food Labelling.
- National Bovine Herd.
- Common Agricultural Policy.
- Food Labelling.
- Organic Farming.
- Farm Retirement Scheme.
- Alternative Farm Enterprises.
- Farm Records.
- European Council Meetings.
- Rural Environment Protection Scheme.
- Food Labelling.
- Poultry Industry.
- Direct Payment Schemes.
- Food Labelling.
- Farm Retirement Scheme.
- EU Directives.
- Food Labelling.
- Veterinary Medicines.
- Food Labelling.
- Agricultural Prices.
- Horticulture Sector.
- Genetically Modified Organisms.
- Food Labelling.
- Farm Waste Management.
- Food Industry.
- EU Directives.
- Farm Inspection Scheme.
- Food Industry.
- Farm Waste Management.
- Milk Quota.
- Animal Cruelty.
- Food Labelling.
- Equine Sector.
- Sugar Beet Industry.
- Direct Payment Schemes.
- International Agreements.
- Sheep Industry.
- Milk Quota.
- Beef Industry.
- Alternative Energy Projects.
- Common Agricultural Policy.
- Farm Waste Management.
- Genetically Modified Organisms.
- Direct Payment Schemes.
- Meat Plants.
- Food Labelling.
- Food Industry.
- Food Safety Standards.
- Dairy Sector.
- Milk Quota.
- Genetically Modified Organisms.
- Animal Welfare.
- Farm Retirement Scheme.
- Departmental Investigations.
- Genetically Modified Organisms.
- Food Industry.
- Organic Farming.
- Afforestation Programme.
- Grant Payments.
- Poultry Industry.
- Milk Testing.
- Grant Payments.
- Sugar Beet Industry.
- Direct Payment Schemes.
- Food Safety.
- School Milk Scheme.
- National Genotyping Programme.
- Direct Payment Schemes.
- Beef Imports.
- Farm Retirement Scheme.
- Common Agricultural Policy.
- Farm Retirement Scheme.
- Animal Welfare.
- Direct Payment Schemes.
- Dairy Industry.
- Organic Production.
- Animal Diseases.
- Animal Health Regime.
- Land Mobility.
- EU Directives.
- Farm Retirement Scheme.
- EU Directives.
- Departmental Reports.
- Genetically Modified Organisms.
- Sheep Industry.
- Bovine Disease Controls.
- Sheep Industry.
- Agrifood Sector.
- Passports for Investment Scheme.
- Graffiti Offences.
- Garda Strength.
- Garda Training.
- Residency Permits.
- Criminal Prosecutions.
- Residency Permits.
- Visa Applications.
- Refugee Status.
- Appointments to State Boards.
- Citizenship Applications.
- Residency Permits.
- Citizenship Applications.
- Residency Permits.
- Visa Applications.
- Garda Equipment.
- Visa Applications.
- National Monuments.
- Tax Code.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Appointments to State Boards.
- Decentralisation Programme.
- Flood Relief.
- Tax Code.
- Departmental Units.
- Public Private Partnerships.
- Departmental Funding.
- Hepatitis C Incidence.
- Community Employment Schemes.
- Post Mortems.
- Departmental Funding.
- Hospital Services.
- Ambulance Service.
- Health Service Staff.
- Health Services.
- Hospital Services.
- Appointments to State Boards.
- Health Service Allowances.
- Departmental Funding.
- Nursing Home Subventions.
- Health Repayment Scheme.
- Nursing Home Subventions.
- Hospital Accommodation.
- Health Services.
- Renewable Energy Grants.
- Biofuels Sector.
- Telecommunications Services.
- Appointments to State Boards.
- Departmental Correspondence.
- Appointments to State Boards.
- EU Directives.
- Industrial Development.
- Appointments to State Boards.
- Community Employment Schemes.
- Redundancy Payments.
- Grocery Industry.
- Social Welfare Benefits.
- Departmental Expenditure.
- Appointments to State Boards.
- Departmental Staff.
- Social Welfare Benefits.
- Consultancy Contracts.
- Parking Regulations.
- State Airports.
- Open Skies Agreement.
- Appointments to State Boards.
- Rail Services.
- Road Network.
- Port Sector.
- Public Transport.
- Appointments to State Boards.
- Food Safety Standards.
- Farm Waste Management.
- Horticulture Sector.
- Afforestation Programme.
- Direct Payment Schemes.
- Genetically Modified Organisms.
- Direct Payment Schemes.
- Disadvantaged Areas Scheme.
- Horticulture Sector.
- Food Safety Standards.
- Food Labelling.
- Grant Payments.
- Farm Retirement Scheme.
- Live Exports.
- Appointments to State Boards.
- Installation Aid Scheme.
- Farm Waste Management.
- Agricultural Exports.
- World Trade Negotiations.
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions.
- Dairy Industry.
- Food Labelling.
- Purchase for Destruction Scheme.
- Alternative Energy Projects.
- Food Industry.
- Farm Waste Management.
- Farm Retirement Scheme.
- Food Industry.
- Alternative Farm Enterprises.
- Food Industry.
- Direct Payment Schemes.
- Forestry Sector.
- Direct Payment Schemes.
- Higher Education Grants.
- Third Level Fees.
- Disadvantaged Status.
- Departmental Agencies.
- Corporal Punishment.
- State Examinations.
- Schools Inspectorate.
- School Closures.
- Irish Language.
- Pupil-Teacher Ratio.
- Schools Refurbishment.
- State Examinations.
- Schools Building Projects.
- Appointments to State Boards.
- Adult Education.
- Water Meters.
- Home Tuition.
- School Accommodation.
- Appointments to State Boards.
- Local Authority Funding.
- Departmental Staff.
- EU Directives.
- Appointments to State Boards.
- Housing Statistics.
- Planning Issues.
- Local Authority Housing.
- Social and Affordable Housing.