I move: "That Report Stage be taken now."
Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No. 2) Bill 2010: Order for Report Stage
Before we move on I would like to draw to the attention of Members that there are some typographical errors in the amendments list. In amendment No. 23(3) on page 19, it should read "Act of 2007". In amendment No. 13 in the insertion of section 53(b)(3) at the end of page 23——
I cannot hear the Acting Chairman and I cannot follow what he is saying. If he is proposing changes to legislation, which he seems to be doing, could the changes be circulated?
They are only corrections to amendments. Does the Deputy want a list of them?
They are not corrections to amendments; they are corrections to legislation.
We will get a list for the Deputy. Is that okay?
I again want to make the point that somebody calling out things in the House is no way to legislate. We are supposed to be circulated with proposals in writing. The Acting Chairman is referring to a Bill and he is reading something which we cannot hear.
I am sorry. Will I read it more slowly for the Deputy?
No, perhaps the Acting Chairman will circulate it as he is required to do.
I am not required to circulate it.
We cannot legislate by the Acting Chairman reading something out.
It has been done before and I saw no objections to it. During my time in the Chair——
I doubt if it has.
——I had to do the very same.
I doubt that it has been done before like this.
Yes, I had to do the same on previous occasions and I saw no objections to it. Anyway, if the Deputy wants it in writing, we will do that.
When changes of this nature needed to be made with previous Bills, all the information on the changes would have been circulated to Members. The problem on this occasion is that we have not received such information. The problem here tonight is that everything is being done on the hoof. We need to get this sorted out. It is not satisfactory. My colleagues and I are very unhappy about what is happening here tonight.
It is being arranged. Deputies will have it in a few minutes. Is that okay? Can we move on in the meantime? Is that agreed?
The Acting Chairman has to read out the list for the record.
I will do so. In amendment No. 30, which proposes to insert a new section 53B(3), the reference to "a policy or contract or assurance" at the end of page 22 should be to "a policy or contract of assurance". In amendment No. 34, the reference to "5.(1)(c)" approximately nine lines from the bottom of item 24 in the table on page 26 should be to "5.(1)(b)".