I move:
That the Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No. 2) Bill 2010 be recommitted in respect of amendments Nos. 1 and 2.
Vol. 725 No. 1
I move:
That the Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) (No. 2) Bill 2010 be recommitted in respect of amendments Nos. 1 and 2.
Is that agreed?
It is not agreed. I am unhappy with the procedure that has been adopted here this evening. I do not want to hold up this Stage of the Bill. I want to raise issues with the Minister on foot of amendments I have tabled. I am unhappy about what has happened here today. I have been in this House for a long time. I hope what has happened here this evening will never happen again. My colleagues and I have explained why we are not happy. I hope this kind of stuff will never happen in this House again. It puts us at a disadvantage. I accept what the Minister has said about his officials. Of course they work very hard. Some of the amending legislation that has been promised has been under preparation for months. That is not our problem. Our problem relates to what has been put before us on the floor of the House today at short notice. It is not acceptable.
We have already voiced our concern about how we have been treated. This is a sloppy way of dealing with legislation. The material read out by the Acting Chairman earlier related to proposed amendments to amendments. We were not even shown the courtesy of having these changes circulated to us in writing. It makes a laughing stock of the efforts of this House to deal with legislation. It is a joke. I do not think the Acting Chairman or the Ceann Comhairle should have allowed the Minister to behave in such a disrespectful manner.