As this is the last sitting day before Christmas, it is appropriate to take the opportunity before we move to Leaders' Questions to express my sincere thanks to all Members of the House, including the Taoiseach and the various leaders, for the co-operation - most of the time, I have to say - and courtesy they have shown throughout the year to everyone who has occupied the Chair. I do this on my behalf, on behalf of the Ceann Comhairle and on behalf of the Acting Chairmen, who are so helpful to us. I wish to express my sincere thanks to the Clerk of the Dáil and Secretary General of the Houses of the Oireachtas Service, Mr. Peter Finnegan, and to all the staff of the House. They play a very important role in the smooth running of the House. I thank the entire staff for the professional manner in which they look after all of us and the support they provide to Members. I thank the press corps for the role they play in our democracy by reporting our proceedings.
Christmas remains most special to all of us. When we go to our homes over Christmas, we have to remember those who struggle on the margins of our society. This Christmas will be a very lonely one for the many people who find themselves without homes of their own. We should remember those people. Christmas is a time to reach out and assist those who find the journey of life very difficult and burdensome. I wish all of you a very happy and blessed Christmas. I know this will be a Christmas where we have a break to recharge the batteries. This might be necessary, bearing in mind events that may take place in 2020.
Ar mo shon féin, thar ceann an Cheann Comhairle agus thar ceann na Cathaoirligh Ghníomhacha a bhíonn sa Chathaoir seo go minic, ba mhaith liom mo bhuíochas a chur in iúl leis na Teachtaí go léir. Gabhaim buíochas freisin le Ard-Rúnaí Sheirbhís Thithe an Oireachtais, an tUasal Peter Finnegan, agus le foireann an Taoisigh as ucht an tacaíocht a thugann siad dúinn i rith gach seisiún. Tá mé buíoch freisin as an obair a dhéanann na meáin cumarsáide chun an scéal a chur amach chuig an domhain mhór. Guím Nollaig shona agus bliain úr faoi mhaise oraibh go léir. Tá súil agam go mbeimid go léir ar ais anseo ag tús na hathbhliana.