I move:
Notwithstanding anything in Standing Orders or the order of the Dáil of Tuesday, that:
(a) the Further Revised Estimate for public services for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media be taken now without debate; and
(b) the Dáil shall adjourn on the conclusion of No. 12a, statements and questions and answers on Covid-19, which shall be taken this evening immediately following a 20-minute sanitisation sos following the Trade Union Representation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2018. The statements and questions and answers shall be confined to a single round which shall not exceed 95 minutes, including ten-minute slots each for the Minister and parties and groups, and an additional five-minute slot for Sinn Féin, which shall immediately precede a ten-minute statement in reply by the Minister, and all Members may share time.