I move:
That, pursuant to Standing Order 118A, the recommendations of the Committee on Standing Orders and Dáil Reform contained in the report entitled ‘Report of the Committee on Standing Orders and Dáil Reform: Amendment of Committee names, matters relating to remit and Orders of Reference of Committees, and amendments to Standing Orders relating to Committees’, dated 14th April, 2021, and laid before Dáil Éireann on that date, are hereby agreed to, and accordingly, as provided for in the report -
(a) the Order of Dáil Éireann of 30th July, 2020, be amended in relation to the titles of certain Select Committees, and each such Committee shall perform the functions set out in Standing Order 95 in respect of the Government Department or Departments listed opposite the Committee in the Schedule,
(b) subject to those changes to Committee titles, the matters as outlined in the report be either within or not within the remit of the Select Committees on -
(i) Transport and Communications,
(ii) Environment and Climate Action,
(iii) the Irish Language, Gaeltacht and the Irish-speaking Community,
(iv) Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport and Media,
(c) the Orders of Reference of the Committee on Disability Matters as agreed by Dáil Éireann on 22nd September, 2020, be amended,
(d) the Orders of Reference of the Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement as agreed by Dáil Éireann on 23rd July, 2020, be amended, and
(e) the Standing Orders of Dáil Éireann relative to Public Business be amended by the deletion and substitution of Standing Order 34 and the amendment of Standing Orders 106 and 123.