I move: "That the Bill be now read a Second Time."
In bringing this Bill before the House, I am standing in for the Minister of State with responsibility for trade promotion, digital and company regulation, Deputy Calleary, who is travelling on official business. Before proceeding, I acknowledge the significant work by those involved, most notably in the past 12 months, to develop the general scheme of the Bill before the House. I acknowledge and thank in particular the members of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Enterprise, Trade and Employment for their consideration of the Bill during pre-legislative scrutiny in March. I am pleased to bring the Companies (Corporate Governance, Enforcement and Regulatory Provisions) Bill 2024 before the House, which will amend the Companies Act 2014, from now on referred to as "the 2014 Act". The 2014 Act provides a world-class company law code and is one of the largest pieces of legislation in the State. It establishes the legislative framework for companies and businesses operating in Ireland and facilitates entrepreneurial activity primarily through the provision of separate legal personality and limited liability. A thriving and well-regulated enterprise base is the cornerstone for a competitive economy in which businesses can create and sustain jobs. Providing for effective, proportionate and enforceable regulation is a fundamental tenet of the Government's White Paper on enterprise. Ireland has long been considered a conducive environment for enterprise to develop and grow. We continue to perform well across a range of indicators for the business and regulatory environment. That includes the IMD world competitiveness rankings, in which Ireland is ranked fourth for its business legislation.
This Bill assists competitiveness through the creation of a level playing field for all business. This is supported by the oversight, regulatory and enforcement functions of the statutory authorities established under the 2014 Act: the Companies Registration Office, CRO; the Corporate Enforcement Authority, CEA; and the Irish Auditing and Accounting Supervisory Authority, IAASA. Company law is dynamic and my Department's policy is to continuously review legislation to ensure it is fit for purpose, its objectives remain valid, it reflects national and international developments and it can be delivered effectively. The policy objective of the Bill is to enhance the 2014 Act primarily in the areas of corporate governance, company law enforcement and supervision, company law administration and corporate insolvency. The provisions of the Bill seek to strike a balance between lightening the regulatory burden, on the one hand, and balancing the interests of members, creditors and the public on the other. The Bill has been developed through consultation with enterprise, the relevant statutory bodies and the Company Law Review Group, CLRG. The CLRG is a statutory advisory body comprising representatives of all relevant stakeholders, including regulatory bodies, trade unions, business associations and banking and auditing bodies, in addition to academics, legal practitioners and insolvency experts. This extensive representation makes it uniquely well positioned to advise on the reform and modernisation of company law.
Before I summarise the provisions of the Bill in full, many of which are technical, I will highlight its main provisions. As a response to the Covid pandemic, my Department introduced legislation on an interim basis which permitted companies to conduct general meetings virtually, enabling them to continue to meet their obligations under the 2014 Act. I now wish to provide companies and industrial and provident societies with the permanent option to hold general meetings either partially or wholly by use of electronic communications technology where such meetings are not expressly prohibited by a company’s constitution or a society’s rules. The approach taken in this Bill was developed based on feedback from stakeholders and is in line with progressive enterprise policy. It will ensure that Ireland's regulatory framework provides flexibility and is conducive to modern businesses operating in an increasingly virtual environment. The Bill's second key provision amends the audit exemption regime for small and micro companies. The timely filing of annual returns with the CRO is a crucial element of corporate transparency. Small companies that file on time can avail of the privilege of exemption from having their financial statements audited.
However, for the minority of businesses that do not file on time, I am conscious of the disproportionate impact that the current regime has on small businesses due to the automatic loss of audit exemption and the resulting cost of providing two years of audited financial statements. While late filing fees will remain in all cases of late filing, once-off late filing will no longer result in loss of audit exemption for small businesses. Supporting SMEs is an important focus for this Government, and I am pleased to introduce this pro-enterprise reform.
The CEA, IAASA and the CRO all have important company law roles in terms of oversight, supervision, regulation and enforcement. Collectively, they underpin and bolster the framework within which businesses operate. The Bill's provisions will assist these bodies to effectively undertake their statutory functions through the provision of appropriate legislative tools to conduct investigations and prosecute breaches of company law, and through the streamlining of processes to deliver efficiencies for the bodies and those interacting with them.
I will now outline the structure of the Bill and summarise its provisions. The Bill is made up of three Parts and 90 sections primarily amending the 2014 Act but also providing for amendments to the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1893 and the Registration of Business Names Act 1963. Many of the provisions in this Bill are purely technical. Therefore, I will try to be as brief as possible in my overview of the sections. I know that each Member has been provided with a copy of my speech and the Bill's explanatory memorandum, which I hope is helpful.
Sections 1 to 3, inclusive, form Part 1 of the Bill. These are standard provisions setting out the Short Title, arrangements for commencement, definitions and repeals. The Bill’s amending provisions are contained in Part 2, which includes sections 4 to 88, inclusive. I will deal with the various sections of Part 2 under the themed headings of corporate governance, company law enforcement and supervision, company law administration and corporate insolvency.
Starting with corporate governance, pragmatic solutions and streamlined processes were adopted on an interim basis in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Through this Bill, I will place these on a permanent basis to continue to facilitate good corporate governance in our digital age. Section 7 provides flexibility for companies in the execution of documents containing the company seal. Sections 11 to 14, inclusive, and 86 provide for virtual and hybrid meetings and related amendments which I addressed earlier. Sections 29, 30 and 87 amend the 2014 Act on the recommendation of the CLRG, and in doing so address matters arising from practical problems relating to mergers.
Moving on to company law enforcement and supervision, the Bill contains amendments aimed at enhancing the powers of the relevant bodies, streamlining procedures, delivering efficiencies and strengthening oversight. Sections 10, 23, 54, 57, 67 to 69, inclusive, and 79 to 82, inclusive, relate to the functions of the CEA. They confer on it additional powers of information and evidence-gathering, as well as measures to aid its investigations. Section 10 provides that the CEA must be put on notice of any applications for leave to act as a secretary or director of a company or to take part in its promotion, foundation or management by a person who is an undischarged bankrupt. Section 23 permits copies of books or documents required by the CEA during an investigation to be made by the statutory auditors from whom the information is requested and to provide assurance to the CEA that the copies made and submitted are exact copies.
Sections 54 and 57 relate to certain liquidators’ obligations. Section 54 clarifies that liquidators’ obligations extend to defending any appeals against restriction orders imposed by the High Court as a consequence of company directors’ behaviour in managing the affairs of insolvent companies. Section 57 streamlines the process whereby the liquidator provides a report to the CEA, ensuring that this is now done in as close a time as possible to when the Director of Public Prosecutions, DPP, also receives the report.
Sections 65 and 83 extend the statutory gateway for the sharing of information between the CEA and other competent authorities. Section 66 introduces a new criminal offence relating to obstruction, interference with or impeding an officer of the CEA. Section 67 amends section 795 of the 2014 Act by streamlining the court process in relation to claims of legal professional privilege, with the aim of expediting and reducing the costs in complex cases where thousands of documents are at issue. Sections 68 to 70, inclusive, are also intended to assist the CEA in the gathering of relevant information from the courts by allowing for that information to be provided directly to the CEA in as timely a manner as possible. Section 79 clarifies that the head of the CEA is to be referred to as the chairperson where there is only one member. Sections 80 to 82, inclusive, make consequential amendments.
Sections 73 to 78, inclusive, relate to the functions of IAASA. Sections 73 and 76 amend processes to allow a greater focus on risk-based enforcement. Section 74 permits the use of certain moneys for investigation purposes. Section 75 updates the list of professional bodies under IAASA supervision for the purposes of statutory audit, removing those no longer in existence or operation. Section 77 confers IAASA with a new power to take immediate action to impose temporary restrictions or conditions on a statutory auditor in certain circumstances. This emergency provision will allow IAASA to act quickly in the public interest to mitigate any further possible harm. Section 78 provides for the court to hear an appeal against the imposition of these temporary restrictions or conditions.
Sections 21 and 22 and sections 58 to 64, inclusive, relate to the enforcement and supervision functions of the CRO. Section 21 disapplies the Probation of Offenders Act 1907 for an offence where a company fails to file an annual return. Section 22 reforms the audit exemption regime providing for a two-step graduated approach for those small companies filing late, the details of which I highlighted earlier. Sections 58 to 64, inclusive, provide for three additional grounds for involuntary strike-off by the registrar of companies and consequential amendments.
Moving on to company law administration, the Bill introduces amendments to enhance and streamline administrative processes to ensure the integrity, accuracy and consistency of information included on the register of companies. It also modernises certain administrative requirements for companies as recommended by the CLRG in its report on financial securities. Sections 15 to 20, inclusive, sections 51 to 53, inclusive, and sections 55 and 56 relate to documents submitted to the registrar and provide that those documents shall be in the prescribed form. Sections 6 and 8 provide a statutory basis for the registrar's approval of registered office agents, ROAs, and the electronic filing agents, EFAs, which are currently dealt with on an administrative basis. Section 9 provides that the registrar may require evidence to verify a company’s registered office address and may refuse to register documents if not satisfied. Sections 15 to 20, inclusive, sections 51 to 53, inclusive, and sections 55 and 56 prescribe the content and form of certain submissions to be made to the registrar.
Section 71 provides that a company may voluntarily submit information on to the composition of the board of directors by reference to gender. This is something I am particularly pleased about. The registrar shall provide any information collected to the Minister on an anonymised basis. Section 72 provides that the Minister may prescribe a fee for the provision of such company-related documents and data by the registrar to high-volume users.
Sections 84 and 85 give effect to certain recommendations of the CLRG in relation to financial securities. Section 88 is a stand-alone provision and amends section 1551 of the 2014 Act as it applies to captive insurers. It allows the required information to be included in certain reports or statements delivered to the registrar or the Central Bank in cases where the entities have no website. In terms of corporate insolvency, in May 2019 the CLRG submitted its report on the regulation of receivers and that included several recommendations in this area. Sections 24 to 28, inclusive, amend the 2014 Act by further strengthening the regulation of receivers, for example by providing greater transparency with regard to their fees. This is in line with the recommendations of the CLRG and the commitments made in the programme for Government.
Regarding the small companies administrative rescue process, SCARP, sections 31 to 50, inclusive, contain amendments that will provide greater clarity for stakeholders on the definition of the rescue period and its potential outcomes; increase transparency around the process adviser's fees and expenses; introduce prescribed forms when reporting to the CRO and the courts; and ensure the social and cultural importance of a company is considered by the process adviser when deciding whether it has a reasonable prospect of survival and is eligible to apply for SCARP.
Finally, Part 3 of the Bill contains sections 89 and 90, which provide for amendments to Acts other than the 2014 Act. Section 89 amends the Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1893 to provide industrial and provident societies with the option to hold virtual meetings on a permanent basis, similar to what is being provided for companies. Section 90 amends the Registration of Business Names Act 1963 to provide that the Minister may prescribe a fee for the provision of business name related documents and data by the registrar to high-volume users.
Enhancing our business regulatory environment and Ireland's attractiveness as a place to do business is a key strategic priority of this Government. We can do this by ensuring a regulatory framework which underpins our enterprise policy, is responsive and reflects international best practice to facilitate entrepreneurship, while also protecting employees, members, creditors and consumers with appropriate safeguards. It provides business certainty, enables entrepreneurs to take appropriate risks and supports the growth of enterprises, which all assist in job creation and protection. I am proud to commend the Bill to the House, and I look forward to hearing Deputies’ contributions and to working with them to progress this important legislation.