Arising out of budget 2025, €85 million will be allocated to current and capital expenditure for the benefit of young people.
That is an increase in funding of €7 million, or almost 9%, on the 2024 budget. I have increased funding for youth services every single year as Minister. This is the largest boost in youth funding that youth services have received during my time as Minister. The overall level of youth funding has increased by 34% over the past four years and five budgets. The additional funding secured in budget 2025 will support the sustainability of youth organisations, while also expanding youth work service capacity through the funding of new targeted youth services.
Funding secured in budget 2025 will support the implementation of opportunities for youth: the national strategy for youth work and related services 2024-2028. This strategy includes a clear set of strategic objectives and 18 priority actions intended to strengthen the role of youth work and related services in the lives of young people in Ireland.
The funding will also support the UBU your place your space funding scheme. We will be able to open ten new UBU services throughout the country. These are targeted services for some of the most vulnerable young people in our country. They will support more than 1,000 young people in 2025 and beyond.
Funding through the youth services grant scheme, which supports national youth organisations to deliver quality youth services across the State, will also be increased in 2025, up to €1.5 million. Additional funding of €650,000 has been allocated in 2024 to a volunteer activation fund. That is particularly important because many of the youth organisations which engage with me regularly say that since Covid-19, it has been harder and harder to get volunteers to work in youth services. We are looking to focus on that issue.
We are also trying a pilot initiative on holiday hunger, which is a recognition that while the State is now doing a lot to provide food and lunches for young people in primary and secondary schools, many of those young people might be at risk of hunger outside of that context. We are looking to see whether we can pilot supports through youth services.