When Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil joined together with the Green Party in coalition four years ago, they promised that it would be the Government to fix housing. This was a very bold claim from the parties that had, in fact, created the housing crisis in the first place. Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil have had more than a decade to solve housing but it have only made it worse. Now, as their Government heads for the exit door, their record of failure is clear and people live with it every day.
House prices are through the roof and are far beyond the reach of working people. Rip-off rents are at record levels and continue to soar and tenants are facing the prospect of eviction. A level of homelessness, which we never ever thought we would see, is increasing month after month. While so many struggle to put and keep a secure roof over their heads, the Government's affordable housing schemes make a mockery of the word "affordable" by hanging price tags of more than half a million euro on so-called affordable homes in some areas. It has courted and backed vulture and cuckoo funds, promoted build-to-rent and tolerated the bulk buying of homes from under the noses of first-time buyers. Yet the Taoiseach and Micheál Martin spin the line that the Government has turned the corner on housing. It has not. So far, their Government has delivered fewer homes this year than last year. That is not turning a corner; it is called going backwards.
The Minister, Deputy O'Brien, spent months promising new housing targets but Micheál Martin was not best pleased. After all, joint housing targets simply draw attention to their joint failure. A sham fight ensued with petty politicking and then the Tánaiste buckled. Now, in the dying week of the Government, they have finally set their new housing targets and, lo and behold, they are too low again. They are 20% lower than what the Government's own Housing Commission states is needed. This demonstrates why people cannot afford another government led by Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil because the housing crisis will continue and worsen, house prices, rents and homelessness will continue to increase, thereby leaving more working people locked out of affordable housing and with what choice? The box room of their parent's house or getting fleeced in the rental sector if they can find somewhere or being forced to emigrate. That is what the Government offers.
The good news is that people can put an end to the Government's housing disaster in this election.